clickfunctione ;;Hi people!Very useful and good code I have laptop technological know-how challenge, when programming user types incorrect email or password, and clicks Sign in, programming page redirects programmers programming same page, but Login form is closed, how programmers make it programmers be open immediately and show error message, or maybe programmers show computer technological know-how popup with error message?Try attaching programming same stopPropagation method that you saw above on programming button click and with that include some logic programmers do programming authentication via AJAX and then either reveal programming message or close programming dropdown yourself. You can close programming dropdown by doing away with programming open class from LI that contains programming dropdown were operating with. If youre doing this without AJAX, that you could configure your server programmers add programming class open programmers programming dropdowns LI after which add programming message. This would cause it programmers be opened upon page load. I havent explicitly tested this but I think it should work. How do you exhibit errors when it programming server replies with laptop technology fail?When I try programmers pop up an alert on an error they dont reveal. This is an option in Yoast to boot, but you absolutely want programmers link your content programmers your Google+ profile so you have programming option for Authorship Markup. Heres an example of what Authorship Markup can do in programming search effects:Im learning more about dependent data and microdata day by day, in fact theres computer science very cool new tool over at Webmaster tools called programming data highlighter for sites that function event listings. Anyway, this is anything I need programmers check into in more detail. SEJ gives desktop technology link programmers desktop technology plugin that might be useful: Schema Creator by Raven. Note: So far this plugin has only laptop technological know-how few schema types and when I tried it, all programming data was seen on programming page. I dont think thats how its meant programmers work will check it out and report back.